I'm a medical expertQ&A

NO.1Whether this test has its own …

Ans:The Technology Department of the heart and lung signal analysis, the arrhythmia, or has been retrofitted with rhythm regulator who, and can not be detected correctly the sleep quality. Therefore it is not recommended to use.

NO.2What is the difference between…

Ans:One, the hospital used for multiple sleep inspection instrument Be in hospital hospitalization, detection of EEG, blood oxygen, EMG, ECG, respiratory airflow, lower limb dynamics, in complex dynamic, body posture and other physiological changes to detect. Because the hospital beds are limited, the number of months to wait several months, at their own expense high. This method often due to changes in the environment of sleep, don't really test the sleep quality, mostly use breathing during sleep suspension detection and treatment of disease and other serious sleep disorders. Two, home sleep detection This technique developed by the U.S. at Harvard Medical School, let could at home more familiar with their own bed were detected, and no need to queue up to wait beds, can reduce the sleep environment change the influence to the detection results, low detection cost, suitable for used in preliminary screening of sleep problems, and tracing the effectiveness of treatment. And this test can provide detailed sleep quality data and temporal map.

NO.3Is this method CPC (cardiopulm…

Ans:This is a research at Harvard Medical School, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) verified by name: K070855, China license name: Su machinery quasi word 20152700571, licensing brand in Taiwan, Wei Department of medical transport No. Di_021186. This detection technique is an effective and safe method.

I'm an agentQ&A

NO.1What are the product applicati…

Ans:Application department: sleep center, Department of respiratory, neurology, ear nose and throat, medical center, spiritual center, pediatrics, obstetrics, cure not disease center, Department of geriatrics.

I am patient or nursing staffQ&A

NO.1Sleep badly, but the spirit is…

Ans:Sleep is only a 1/3 of our lives, but it is more important that it will affect our other 2/3's life. In addition, medical research has also confirmed that sleep is not good, in addition to will affect the learning ability, the ability to work, will affect the body's immune system operation and impairment of memory, and hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, depression... And other diseases are closely related. Home sleep health examination is spend a penny to save a lot of money, because such as the discovery of apnea, early treatment, so will significantly reduce lead to cardiovascular disease (hypertension, stroke, heart disease) and diabetes, obesity, depression. And so on, the cost of the follow-up care and care for these diseases is quite large.

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